Freelance Marketing Design Specialist

I design engaging and approachable marketing materials to add visual impact to your brand’s story.

Hi! I’m Kelsey Bolognese-Warrington

Does your marketing collateral need a refresh? Does just thinking about redesigning your sales sheets, social media graphics, or conference booth make you want to run and hide? You have found yourself with the right designer for the job. Welcome! As a graphic designer with 8+ years of experience designing nearly every corporate marketing material under the sun, I am ready to work with you to update and create materials that will drive your audience to action.

Let’s connect and start working today!


 Expert User

PowerPoint • Google Slides • Keynote • InDesign • Illustrator • Photoshop


Corporate Marketing Materials: PRA Health Sciences

Four years after its IPO, PRA Health Sciences, a comprehensive clinical development services company, was ready to refresh its brand to stay current and competitive in the marketplace. Aside from a few key attributes which created the foundation of the brand’s equity, all aspects of the brand were up for experimentation and improvements in order to best serve hundreds of clients and 17,000+ employees worldwide. The refreshed brand was researched, conceptualized, and tested down to the very last detail, with a strategic emphasis on building a design system ready to withstand company growth and evolution.

This work was completed during Kelsey’s tenure as a Marketing Design Manager at PRA Health Sciences.

Corporate Response: COVID-19

The COVID-19 Rapid Response initiative was developed to quickly establish not only a source of information for both internal and external audiences, but also to illustrate a continuity of operations as the world transitioned most processes to digital. The creative strategy needed to touch on many types of information, so the full extent of the color palette was utilized. It also needed to be flexible, as the messaging was being leveraged across many platforms, up to and including branded safety items (e.g. masks, sanitizer, etc).

This work was completed during Kelsey’s tenure as a Marketing Design Manager at PRA Health Sciences.

Infographics: PRA Health Sciences

At PRA Health Sciences, a comprehensive clinical development services company, hundreds of marketing materials and data points are used to sell the company’s services. While these documents offer a wealth of information, the volume of data within them can be intimidating to comprehend at first glance — especially on social media. The objective of this project was to bridge the gap between that complex data and the immediacy of social media developing a system of branded infographics.

This work was completed during Kelsey’s tenure as a Marketing Design Manager at PRA Health Sciences.

Initiative Branding: Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I) is a campaign to raise awareness for PRA's internal DE&I committee and their work. As the primary audience for this initiative is internal, the bold PRA branding was used as a springboard for developing specific DE&I elements that would pair seamlessly with other PRA materials. The campaign’s interlocking hands icon articulates inclusion within the parameters of the group's previous branding. This was used to visually identify all related materials shared, regardless of platform or audience (e.g. email templates, social posts, web articles, web pages, etc).

This work was completed during Kelsey’s tenure as a Marketing Design Manager at PRA Health Sciences.

Sustainability Report

As a publicly traded company, PRA Health Sciences was encouraged to release an annual report to its shareholders and the general public highlighting the company’s performance and progress related to sustainability. Sustainability reporting enables companies to transparently share the impact of their efforts related to many topics, including: ethics, data privacy, and community engagement.

This work was completed during Kelsey’s tenure as a Marketing Design Manager at PRA Health Sciences.

Campaign: Bigger + Bolder = Better

Bigger, Bolder, Better is a recruitment campaign developed to differentiate PRA from a typical CRO. The objective was to lean into the acquisition of PRA by ICON (a competitor) and leverage PRA’s signature bold aesthetic to positively emphasize growth for both the organization and candidates. The creative strategy utilized a key equation, BIGGER + BOLDER = BETTER, amplified by using dominant and consistent typography, human-centric visuals, stark coloring, and a video with confident voiceover and propulsive music to attract potential employees.

This work was completed during Kelsey’s tenure as a Marketing Design Manager at PRA Health Sciences.

Presentation Design

With a background in brand development alongside presentation design, I am uniquely qualified to translate your content into a memorable experience that drives your audience to action. I’ll be your partner and guide to ensure your presentation is on-brand and helps you reach your goals.

Presentation design services can include template creation and/or slide design to match your brand using the latest versions of PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides. Click here for more comprehensive information about my presentation design services.

Process Makes Perfect

Custom Marketing Design Packages


Choose the design package that best fits your project.

No matter which package you select, you are guaranteed an exceptional client experience including:

  • Email and call support for the duration of your project

  • High quality graphics and final product

  • Guidance from a seasoned graphic designer

  • A transparent contract, payment, and delivery process

Do you need more specialized services? Just ask!


One-Time Project Services

The perfect option if you have one (or a few!) marketing materials that you need designed and out to your audiences quickly.

Average project turnaround time is one week.

Rush delivery may be available for an additional fee.

Design Retainer Services

Skip the line and sign up for a retainer to get guaranteed, ongoing design support during your retainer term.

Retainers are available weekly, monthly, and quarterly in 10 hour increments.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Most projects take 5–7 days. Rush orders may be available for an extra fee and are subject to scheduling availability.

    We will discuss the timing of your project during the discovery phase.

  • After your completed discovery call or online questionnaire, I will send you a contract to e-sign before design work can begin.

    Please send your fully written content. It does not need to be beautiful, just readable!

    Your company’s brand guidelines will also be necessary for me to capture your brand’s style accurately. If you do not have brand guidelines, links to your website and social channels will be needed.

  • Each new project begins with a signed contract which outlines all project expectations to ensure we start off on the right foot. Invoices are sent at the completion of the project and are due in full within one month. Larger projects may require a deposit to begin work.

  • If you already have brand templates or even just a rough sketch — that is great. I am here to make your vision come to life!

  • I always do my best to utilize either brand photography provided by you or sourced through free for commercial use stock image websites to keep your fees down. If an image must be purchased, I will work with you to explain how the purchasing/licensing process works for your individual needs.

Let’s connect and talk about your project today.